In this document we plan do describe a set of fiducial sky models that can be used for simulation purposes by all Cosmic Microwave Background experiments to simplify the work of comparing their performance and perform joint analysis.

For this other page for Galactic foregrounds

Extragalactic Foregrounds

Extragalactic maps are based on Websky 0.4 simulations. They are implemented in PySM 3.4.0b8.

  • cib1: Interpolated from maps generated by the model at \(N_{side}=4096\)
  • tsz1, ksz1: Thermal and Kinetic SZ maps at \(N_{side}=8192\) and \(N_{side}=4096\)
  • radio galaxies rg1: they are provided by the Websky team as input templates at different frequencies to be interpolated over, they are provided as point sources, therefore they give some residual errors in Spherical Harmonics Transforms, but no artifacts are visible in the maps.

Cosmic Microwave Background

Using the same cosmological parameters of Websky for compatibility with the Extragalactic components:

\[\begin{aligned} & \Omega_b = 0.049 \\ & \Omega_c = 0.261 \\ & \Omega_m = \Omega_b + \Omega_c \\ & h = 0.68 \\ & n_s = 0.965 \\ & A_s = 2.022 e^{-9} \\ & N_{eff} = 3.046 \\ & \tau = 0.055 \end{aligned}\]

Unlensed CMB c3 and lensed CMB with same potential used by Websky, scalar only, c4.